

This is the official Vite plugin for @stylin/style package. It supports import from both CSS and SCSS files.


npm install --save-dev @stylin/vite-plugin

Register your plugin in vite.config.ts:

import stylin from '@stylin/vite-plugin'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [stylin(), otherPlugin()]

And enjoy! You can now import components from your .module.css and .module.scss files:

import { Button } from '~/components/button.module.scss';

export default function MyCustomButton() {
  return (
    <Button variant="success">Custom button</Button>

Important note
This plugin only supports importing from CSS modules. So make sure your files end with .module.css or .module.scss.

Typescript Support

This plugin comes with support for Typescript built-in! Modify your vite.config.ts as follows:

import stylin from '@stylin/vite-plugin'
import stylinTS from '@stylin/vite-plugin/ts'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [stylin(), stylinTS(), otherPlugin()]

Make sure to put the Typescript plugin after the base plugin.

This plugin detects files that end with .module.css or .module.scss in your project and creates matching .d.ts files alongside them. For example, if your source code directory has this structure:

|-- src
  |-- components
    |-- button.module.css

The plugin will create a button.module.css.d.ts file next to it:

|-- src
  |-- components
    |-- button.module.css
    |-- button.module.css.d.ts